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The Greatest Heists in History

Are you fond of heist stories and films? There's a reason behind all those top-rated Hollywood heists movies. It's not […]

Remember the Knight Rider? What Kind of Insurance Would He Need?

What would happen if you took Batman, gave him a whole new identity and a talking car sidekick, and then […]

Jobs of the Future: Are You In or Out?

Technology is changing the future faster than ever before. We are taking giant leaps in the industry to improve our […]

The Biggest Scams in History

Scammers — they never let up. They've even found ways to exploit the pandemic to scam Canadians out of their money. […]

The Boring Company and Cargo Sous Terrain

In the world of cutting-edge logistics solutions, two companies — The Boring Company and Cargo Sous Terrain — are pioneering the […]

Stunt Driving in Ontario - Up 200% During COVID-19

Traffic volumes have plummeted in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. While one might expect that this would cause accidents […]

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